Dungeons And Caves


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  • [11]
  • 12

  • Level 11

    Under construction ...

    A – You get to this place from a trapdoor on level 10.

    Head to the east and pick up an iron key in an alcove.
    There's a secret button on the wall of the room to the south that open the door to the north.
    Push it and grab an interesting belt form the room to the north,
    then head to the west and push a button to activate a teleporter on the other side of the room to the west.
    Run into the teleporter before it vanishes to return to level 10 (5).

    B – You get to this place from a trap door on level 10.

    You have to walk into the void on a hidden path to reach a room with stairs at the other end.
    There are also two platforms.
    Try to reach the first platform and pick up an iron key on the floor in one of the corners.
    Then head to the second platform and pick up a flail, useful if you want to fight from the second row.
    Then continue your way to the other end and go upstairs to level 10 (17).

    C – You get to this place from a teleporter on level 12 (27).

    Head to the south and put something on the pressure plate to activate a teleporter leading back to level 12.
    Heal the dwarf with a potion.
    Kill some dragons, and push a lever to the west to open the grates to the north.
    Head north and pick up one of the treasure awaited by the goblin.
    Return to level 12.

    D – You get to this place from a teleporter on level 12 (10).

    Head to the east and pull the lever to the north, head to the south west and pull another lever to open the grates.
    Head south and pick up one of the treasure awaited by the goblin.
    Put something on the pressure plate to the north to activate a teleporter back to level 12.

    E – You get to this place from a teleporter on level 12 (18).

    Head to the east, put something on the pressure plate to activate a teleporter back to level 12 behind you. Then head north, kill the dragons, break the branches and pick up one of the treasure awaited by the goblin.
    Go back to the teleporter and step into it to return to level 12 (18).

    1 – You don't have the key of the two locks if you come from level 10, so continue downstairs to level 12.
    If you come from level 12, then use the skeleton key found at level 12 (2) on one of the locks
    to open the door nearby and enter the great room (2).

    2 – The door closes behing you.
    There's a throne to the west of this great room.
    A lever on a column in the center of the room opens the passage of a cache to the south at (4).
    Continue to the throne at (3).

    3 – It's too quiet here. Prepare yourself, drink some shield potions then approch the throne,
    and start the fight!!!
    The boss gets weaker each time you ignite one of the braziers all around the room.
    He will cast some spells and summon skeletons.
    Run to the cache at (4) to prepare some health and mana potions when your are weak.
    When you finally defeat him, a secret passage will open to the north at (5).

    4 – This place is relatively safe. There are some reagents for potions.
    Regain health and go back to the fight at (3).

    5 – Step into the teleporter and watch ...

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